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This is an alphabetical list of guest appearances in Taxi.

Name Episode(s)
Adams, Tan 17
Akers, Andrea 4
Aldana, Mauricio 60
Allen, Howie 68
Amos, Wally "Famous" 55
Anders, Karen 84
Arbus, Allan 5
Aresco, Joey 20
Ashland, Camilla 36
Ashmore, Frank 40
Azarow, Martin 106
Babcock, Barbara 73
Baff, Regi 22
Baker, Lenny 35
Balderson, Robert 67
Balsam, Talia 1, 48
Barnes, Chris 21
Barnes, Priscilla 44
Bar-Yotam, Reuven 69
Beasley, Allyce 94
Beauchamp, Richard 23
Becher, John C 36
Bergan, Judith-Marie 104
Berindey, Audrey 76
Bernath, Michele 8
Bernstein, Nat 75
Betten, Mary 37
Birkett, Bernadette 70
Blacque, Taurean 6
Blankfield, Mark 99
Bloch, Andrew 52
Bogert, William 4
Bouvier, Charles 108
Brady, Scott 31
Brennan, Eileen 54
Brennan, Joseph 103
Britt, Hector 52
Britt, Melendy 71
Brody, Lane 63
Brooks, Jim 85
Brooks, Joel 80
Brothers, Dr. Joyce 87
Brough, Candi 83
Brough, Randi 83
Browning, Rod 21
Bumpstead, J.P. 65
Buono, Victor 49
Butkus, Dick 32
Butterworth, Shane 37
Byrd, Carl 17
Callaway, William 28
Calvin, John 80
Cardi, Carmine 60, 67
Carlip, Hillary 103
Carney, John 80
Carson, John David 50
Cassidy, Joanna 7
Castronova, T.J. 18, 25, 27, 29, 30, 35, 40, 46, 64, 48, 70, 75, 79, 91, 107, 108
Charnota, Anthony 92
Cioffi, Charles 89
Clemons, Rebecca 82
Colitti, Rik 20
Conaway, Jeff * 79
Conaway, Michelle 14
Considine, John 58
Cross, Murphy 91, 109
Crothers, Benjamin Sherman "Scatman" 112
Danson, Ted 84
Danza, Marc Anthony 24, 37
Davis, Jim "Grampy" 100
Dawson, Kiva 65
DeBanzie, Lois 101
De Fazio, Sam 63
Delano, Lee 42
DeLano, Michael 33
Delgado, Vince 60
DeMirjian, Carolyn 92
Dennis, John 24
Derr, Richard 45
De Salvo, Anne 91, 107
Deutsch, Barbara 49
DeVito, Julia 62, 74
Dickinson, Christine 20
Dukakis, John 16
Eames, John 49
Echollas, Jim 89
Edwards, Gail 12
Elbling, Peter 87, 94
Eldridge, Tony 89
Elliot, Stephen 54
Eny, Woody 8
Ewell, Tom 28
Ewing, John Christy 75
Fairman, Michael 37
Faison, Matthew 90
Foronjy, Richard 10
Forslund, Constance 29
Foster, William 3
Fujikawa, Jerry 74
Gaetano, Tony 79
Gaffin, Melanie 90, 111, 112
Garner, Martin 102
Gava, Cassandra 69
Gazzo, Michael V 24
Gewirtz, Howard 75
Gilford, Jack 23, 73
Gnazzo, Angelo 7
Goins, Jessie 60
Goldman, Wendy 70
Golonka, Arlene 7
Goorwitz, Allen 102
Gordon, Ruth 11
Grant, Sarina C 56
Guss, Louis 58
Hackett, Joan 23
Halsted, Dana 68
Hancock, John 104
Hanks, Tom 89
Harkins, John 61
Harrison, Mark 82
Hauser, Fay 16
Hayworth, Jean Owens 31
Hershewe, Michael 17
Hill, Elizabeth 105
Hirson, Alice 67
Hobbs, Heather 68
Holden, Rebecca 80
Holt, Sandy 7
Hong, James 31
Hootkins, William 108
Hormann, Nicholas 57
Horton, Michael 26
Hudson, Ernie 75
Hughes, Rob 69
Hunicutt, Gayle 101
Iacangelo, Peter 108
Imhoff, Gary 20
Ipale, Aharon 11
Jacobson, Gela 84
Jares, Jill 1, 90
Jurasik, Peter 100
Kane, Carol * 40, 81, 87
Kavner, Julie 52
Kent, Suzanne 18, 87, 90
Kesten, Brad 105
Klein, Robin 64
Knapp, David 17
Korn, Iris 63
Koutsoukos, Thom 102
Kusatsu, Clyde 4
Ladd, Margaret 23
Lane, Rusdi 3, 13
Larkin, Bob 65
Lasser., Louise 48, 83, 103
Lassie (dog) 44
La Torre, Tony 82
Laurence, Matthew 96
LeBell, Gene 24, 75, 85, 89, 107
Lehne, John 6
Lennon, James F. "Jimmy" 60, 75, 85, 107
Lewis, Al 68
Lloyd, Christopher * 8, 27
Lumbly, Carl 43
MacKenzie, Patch 69
Madden, Sharon 108
Madlis, Joe 63
Malis, Claire 68
Mann, Michael 6, 57
Marcovicci, Andrea 72, 97
Marshall, Penny 101
Mascarino, Pierrino 7
McBroom, Amanda 14
McGuire, Michael 68
McKrell, Jim 57
Mendenhall, David 90, 105, 111
Mengatti, John 76
Mersky, Kres 31
Miller, Dick 30, 98
Miller, Liz 15
Milton, Darren 10
Minchenberg, Richard 47
Mitchill, Scoey 21
Monahan, Richard 93
Morales, Santos 93
Mull, Martin 20
Muniz, Armando 24
Munson, Warren 43
Murphy, Charles Thomas 19
Murphy, Thomas 108
Natwick, Myron 58
Nelson, Barry 70
Newman, Marvin 45
Noonan, Kerry 96
O'Leary, John 67
Olkewicz, Walter 49, 108
O'Malley, J. Pat 89
Palmer, Mavis 19
Palomino, Carlos 5
Parker, F. William 93
Patinkin, Mandy 22
Paymer, David 96
Payne, Julie 31
Perlman, Rhea 25, 36, 47, 72, 100
Petlock, John 19, 67
Phalen, Robert 6
Phillips, Gary 69
Phillips, Wendy 89
Picardo, Robert 28
Pollack, Jim 100
Powell, The Benny, Singers 10
Praiser, Ian 75
Price, Sari 84
Pritchard, Michael 50
Quinterio, Carlo 48
Randolph, James 8
Regan, Ellen 3, 9
Reynolds, George 12
Rhodes, Donnelly 98
Rich, Ron 5
Riley, Jay Flash 63
Ribbons, Brian 96
Roche, Eugene 89
Rodine, Alex 83
Rogers, Sheila 3
Ross, Beverly 46
Rubenstein, Phil 30
Ruscio, Al 60
Salcido, Michael A 89
Sand, Paul 66
Sargent, Dick 93
Saucedo, Michael 105
Schiavelli, Vincent 87, 94, 112
Sellec, Tom 22
Sevareid, Eric 43
Shawn, Wallace 91, 111
Shirriff, Cathie 106
Short, Martin 71
Silverman, Treva 4
Sims, Warwick 69
Skolnick, Harvey 48
Smith, Bubba 85
Smith, Martha 58
Staley, James 19
Staskel, Jim 56
Stavola, Charlie 97
Steen, Nancy 32
Steve, John 85
Stevens, Naomi 85
Steward, Peg 45
Stone, Dee Wallace 34
Stuart, Barbara 37
Stuthman, Fred 31
Sullivan, Susan 39
Sweet, Dolph 3,
Taggart, Rita 8
Tambor, Jeffrey 13
Torill 84
Tucker (dog) 104
Van Pallandt, Nina 86
Vernon, Harvey 53
Victor, Paula 4
Vigran, Herb 11
Villard, Tom 112
Villechaize, Herve 43
Wallace, Marcia 91
Walter, Tracey 112
Watkins, Carlene 91
Webster, Byron 19
Weinberger, Ed 21, 56, 85
Welch, Nelson 101
Welter, Frances 84
Wendt, George 64
White, Noni 77
Wiley, Bill 67
Williams, Allen 77
Winner, Andrew 75
Witt, Howard 110
Woberly, Robert 100, 106
Wolf, Marcia 84
Wolfe, Ian 23
Woodard, Charlaine 76
Woody, Dwight 5
Woronov, Mary 28
Wright, Max 90
Wright, Wendell W 82, 98
Wynn, Keenan 107
Yarmy, Dick 49
Yates, John 58
Young, Clint 68
Young, David 109
Young, Keone 92